Fluffy's Puppies
Fluffy's is about the only pub in town that is pet friendly. We have had several people bring their puppies in, and the bar feels like we have adopted a few into our family as well. You are welcome to bring your pet here under the following circumstances: the pet must be well trained and not agressive towards people or other animals. As the owner you must remain responsible for your pet. The bar will not take any responsibility if your pet injures or attacks another person or animal. You are also responsible to ensure that your pet is behaved and clean up after any accidents. No pets are allowed behind the bar or in the bathroom areas. You must keep track of your pet the entire time. With that being said here is a gallery of some of Fluffy's notable puppies!
Fluffy's Puppies posts are now updated on the Fluffy's Puppies Facebook page at


Red Dog


